Legal Notice

The owner and body responsible for this website is Fundació Tic Salut Social, an organization belonging to the Generalitat de Catalunya which works to promote the development and use of ICT. It’s contact information is the following:

Owner: Fundació Tic Salut Social
CIF: G64350374
C/ de Roc Boronat, 81-95
08005 – Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 553 26 42

The website and all its content, including texts, images, sound and any other material, are the property of the Fundació TIC Salut Social or any organization linked to it, or any third parties which have authorized Fundació TIC Salut Social to use their content.

All rights are reserved. All access to this website is subject to the following conditions: Only personal, non-commercial use is authorized. Modification of the website or its contents is expressly forbidden. The Fundació TIC Salut Social is not responsible for any information obtained through links to external systems which are not part of the Foundation.

The La Fundació TIC Salut Social does not guarantee that the website and the server are free of viruses and is not responsible for any damages caused by accessing the web or for an inability of access it. In no instance will cookies or other tracking mechanisms be used to store information that reveals the identity of the user of the website.